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My name is Kymberly Grosso, and my 14 year-old son has Aspergers.  I began my career in the health care industry and worked as speech therapist and as a health care consultant.  After obtaining my MBA in Healthcare Administration, I worked as a software product manager.  It was during that time, my then 2 ½ year-old son was diagnosed with PDD/Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

As a result of his diagnosis, I resigned from the corporate world to care for my son full time and haven’t looked back.  After many years of therapy, including both biomedical and behavioral treatments, my son’s diagnosis has changed to Aspergers Syndrome.  Currently, my son is fully included in a typical middle school and recently completed sixth grade.

Since 2008, I have published several articles on my website,  I currently serve on the board of my local Autism Support Group in Pennsylvania, and I am a member of several autism organizations.   Aside from writing, I use the knowledge I've gained about autism to advocate on behalf of my son and others with autism and our families.

My first short story, Hope for the New Year, was published in the Fall 2007 by  In addition to creating this website, I am working to get a children's manuscript published and also writing a non-fiction book on autism. 

It is my hope that my blogs and parent stories can touch and inspire parents as they continue with their autism journey.  I also hope that those who do not have children on the spectrum will gain a little insight into how parents feel and why we are so passionate about our children.  Whether you are friends, family, teachers or professionals, struggling to help a family touched by autism, I believe that this site can help you better understand those you are trying to help.



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